Personalised Gardening Services, that suit your needs.

General Lawn Care

Lawn health will vary greatly depending on what type of grass you have. Whether you started from seed or invested in pre grown turf, along with the type of soil you have, will all play a part in the health of your lawn. Grass gets its nutrients from the soil it sits on, so it’s important to look after your soil with regular fertiliser that’s suited to the nutrients it needs. We can help you maintain the health of your soil by using fertilisers that replenish lost nutrients, which happens when you regularly cut your grass. We strive to only use the best quality, organic fertilisers we can find, and where possible we use New Zealand made products.

  • Spring Lawn


    This is a great growing season, due to the lighter days and warmer temperatures. If your starting a new lawn or refreshing your existing lawn that’s been neglected over winter, this is the perfect time to start. Watering your lawn is vital to maintain a health root system and replenish lost nutrients.

  • Summer Lawn


    Water regularly. The increase in temperature will increase the need to water your lawn to keep your grass lush and green. Save water from your washing machines and dryers to use on your lawn where you can and if possible use a sprinkler system to keep the lawn from drying out.

  • Autumn Lawn


    Now’s the time to get your lawn ready for winter. Feeding your lawn now is a great way to ensure your lawn is happy and healthy and thriving come spring time. Nutrients lost through winter can be replaced using good quality fertilisers that include potassium and nitrogen, which are both great for Taranaki soils. Moss is also something to be aware of, that loves the winter months, keeping grass airyated will help deter weeds and moss over this period.

  • Winter Lawn


    Winter is a great time to check the health of your soil and ensure it has the right nutrients to see you through to spring/summer. Testing the pH of your soil is a great idea to see what it needs and help chose the best fertilisers. Lime is a firm favorite for lawns, as it helps counter any acidity in the soil.